How fast is this year flying by for you? We are down to 34 days left in Pittsburgh and I must say I am super excited for summer vacation. May and early June are absolutely packed with activities for the end of the year, but in the midst of all the crazy, we cannot forget about the most important people in the students and our lives! Mother's Day is on May 8th, so why not have yourself prepared with activities to do in your classroom? I have prepared a Mother's Day Math and Literacy Pack that can ease your mind for the holiday, and focus on the rest of the activities for the end of the year! Find the activity pack through the link below:
The first part of the Mother's Day Activity Pack is a Literacy Center that focuses on Bossy E or Magic E. At this point in the Kindergarten year, mostly all students are reading CVC words with ease, so it is great to challenge them by manipulating the vowel sound. This center aligns with Mother's Day because the Mom on each card is there to help by giving a hint: "Make the A say it's name!" The follow up worksheet allows the student to prove their success by drawing picture to align with the new CVCe word! The CVC center can be sold separately through the link below!
I absolutely love this picking flowers center. Students start with 45 different flowers in the basket. They have to sort the flowers by color and then bundle them into a bouquet. The ribbon for the bouquet has a tally mark on it, so they need to put the correct bow with the correct bundle of flowers! There is a follow up worksheet for early finishers to cut and glue to match! This center is great because it can be used for other times than Mother's Day also! It is sold seprately through the link below.
One of my favorite Mother's Day books to read my students is "The Night Before Mother's Day". I have included several extension activities for the "The Night Before Mother's Day" that can also be sold separately through the link below. The product's craftivity is a coupon book that the students can make for their Moms, Aunts or Grandmothers. There are two options for the coupon craftivity: the students can create their own coupon ideas or they can use the provided coupons and draw a picture to match!
The coupon book also includes different clip art that the students can choose to look most like their mother, aunt or Grandmother! They are not pictured below, but are pictured on the product preview.
Growing up, my mother always used to say to me, "I love you to the moon and back again, and then some!" so I decided to make a card for students to send to their mother, aunt or grandmother for that! The card includes a picture of the student inside of the spaceship traveling around the moon and back again! The note on the inside can be traced with the given note or written independently by the students. The Mother's Day card is sold separately through the link below.
The Mother's Day Pack includes a few fun other pages to use during your Mother's Day celebrations. There are handwriting pages, writing prompts and even coloring pages. The coloring pages in the product include four different versions so students can pick which one looks most like their mother!
Have a very Happy Mother's Day to all of you amazing mother's out there!